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International HPV Awareness Day 

March 4th is International HPV Awareness Day. Inaugurated by  the International Papillomavirus Society in 2018, the day has become the focal point of the annual campaign for many organizations seeking  to increase worldwide awareness and education about HPV and the prevention of HPV related cancer. 

  • Public awareness about HPV and related cancer risk is universally low
  • Almost half a million people per year die from HPV - many of those deaths can be prevented
  • Awareness, education and reducing the stigma of HPV are important first steps in mobilising action to stop HPV

About the #onelessworry campaign

Human Papillomavirus (HPV) directly affects 4 out of 5 of us. While most of us never experience symptoms, the virus can cause  cancer and claims almost half a million lives globally every year.

These are lives that could be saved. People of every background, nationality, race, gender.

We have the tools at our disposal: cervical screening detects HPV-related cancers and pre-cancers, making effective treatment possible; while vaccines have proven to be 90% effective in eliminating the virus.

Yet we face barriers to circulating the necessary information and rolling out essential screening and vaccination programs.

The #onelessworry campaign aims is to overcome these barriers by growing awareness about HPV, and how we can beat it. By sharing information we aim to empower people to take action to reduce the risk of HPV. By encouraging conversations about HPV we aim to address the stigma that can act as a barrier and increase the risks to us all . By communicating clearly:

We CAN eliminate HPV and create one less worry for our world.

The #onelessworry campaign is led by the International Papillomavirus Society in partnership with over 100 clinical, research, professional and patient organizations worldwide. Together we work to raise the profile of HPV as a cancer causing virus and provide the information and knowledge that people need to take action to reduce the risk of HPV related cancer. 

Our Partner Network

Our Partner Network

Our partner network of 100+ organisations around the world work together to create a coordinated global conversation about HPV and to share campaign materials that raise awareness of HPV and cancer with their communities.
